Five Ways That E Smoking is Better Than Tobacco Cigarette Smoking

  • Henna Ali

  Many smokers considering moving over from tobacco cigarette smoking to electronic cigarettes ask the question "which is better?". It doesn't take long for them to hear the answer "e cigarettes are" as electronic cigarettes are an alternative to tobacco smoking which offer all of the benefits and none of the downsides. The chances are that if a tobacco smoker is looking to move over (the majority of e smokers were once tobacco smokers) that they are already looking for a better experience on a number of levels. Regardless of why they ask the question more often than not the resounding answer is "E smoking is better than tobacco smoking" and here is why: 1. No More Strong Clinging Tobacco Scent Sneaking a crafty cigarette when you smoke tobacco cigs is never easy thanks mainly to the strong smell that comes from burning and inhaling cigarettes and it is a smell that lingers. Your clothes, hair and skin smell of it, your home and car if you smoke in either smell of it and often those around you are inflicted with the same strong smoke. The smoke from a traditional cigarette is made from burning the tobacco mixture which also contains tar as well as other not so healthy chemicals. As well as being responsible for making the smoker smell of smoke, the smoke itself lingers and has been proven to be harmful (as well as annoying) to others. E cigarettes on the other hand produce a vapour as opposed...

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